Our beautiful Jemma Dear was with us for way to short of time. Born 8/4/12 and left us 9/8/17. Tragically she escaped out our front door and was killed by someone who said he protecting his chickens. Later we learned he was likely fearful she might hurt his kids as she was running up to greet them. This happens way to often and it truly breaks so many hearts like it broke ours. Jemma was truly perfect in so many ways. We will forever miss all the ways she touched our life. Jemma was always by Dennys side and truly supported him in so many ways. Here are some special memories of our baby girl.

Jemma loved life. She loved going camping in the Boundary waters, fishing, swimming, she loved car rides, she would say she loved us, she always stayed by her dads side when his pain was the worst. She knew what each of us needed and she gave with her entire being. So beautiful inside and out. Forever in our hearts Jemma dear.
My message to the man who ended our Jemma's life: All you cared to see was a dog, many assume you thought my girl was a wolf but you told me you knew she was a dog because you saw her collar. No warning shot, no call to us to give her a chance. You took her life and then didn't tell us even though her tags said "Jemma Dear please call home" with our numbers. Instead you ended her life & buried her. The next day when we found out and you returned her to our home you witnessed our grief. You saw me drop to to my knees and cry so hard I couldn't speak. You heard our kids crying through the windows of our home when you returned our baby to her final resting place. I believe you saw our hearts completely broken. But you never had a chance to see the beauty she added to our lives. She was a source of comfort for my husband who suffered every day from severe pain brought on by his illness, she was always there if I was frightened, she loved her car rides, fishing trips, boat rides, and living life. But you took that away. Because of your actions my husband had to dig a grave for his best friend. I want you know that I do not hate you. I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry that you have so little regard towards life that it was that easy for you to kill her. I know you are not alone. Others are killing dogs just like you and breaking hearts just like mine. I saw that you felt our hurt and for that I hope you will never wound another family the way you did mine. Our dog was so much more than a dog, she was a beloved member of our family. I hope more than anything that Jemma's death was not for nothing.
Jemma was not running loose on purpose. She escaped out our front door & for that I will forever blame myself. I hope people take ever measure possible to keep there dogs home safely so they don't escape like Jemma did that fateful day. I also hope that if a dog gets loose, people like you will think twice before killing them. I will forever be haunted by what you have done to my baby. Hardly a day goes by where I don't cry over the way she left this world. I am not sure if this post will ever reach you, but I can hope it may stop others from killing a pack member. This needs to stop. Miss you every day Jemma Dear-Love Always Mom
Jemma was not running loose on purpose. She escaped out our front door & for that I will forever blame myself. I hope people take ever measure possible to keep there dogs home safely so they don't escape like Jemma did that fateful day. I also hope that if a dog gets loose, people like you will think twice before killing them. I will forever be haunted by what you have done to my baby. Hardly a day goes by where I don't cry over the way she left this world. I am not sure if this post will ever reach you, but I can hope it may stop others from killing a pack member. This needs to stop. Miss you every day Jemma Dear-Love Always Mom