Neah & Archer (Neah is a Nina & Micah puppy) Neah loves every dog and human she meets. She is a very sweet girl who loves to play rough with her brothers. She won't let you stop petting her or giving her belly rubs & Archer is a (Nina/Naukee puppy) who loves to cuddle with his mom. He loves to lay by her feet or be as close to her as he can get. He is a very smart boy who knows lots of tricks thanks to Amy's son Ryan. He is a very shy boy when he
meets new people and likes to stay close to his family. He loves to play rough with his sister

Tikaani (Kora & Naukee puppy) "Tikaani is so good it would make it easy to get another husky”? and then you end up with 12 right ?♀️We feel it’s because of the first 8 weeks in your home. The pups are raised as part of your family. Not locked outside in a kennel. It made bringing her home such a smooth transition! Adding her to our pack has made it easier as crazy as that sounds! Niko has a pup to play with and LaKota has a little sister to look after and team up on Niko! It brings such joy to watch them run in the snow!"

Aspen & Willow. Aspen (Nina & Naukee puppy)I love this girl with all my heart I am beyond happy we got to adopt her. She was meant to be mine I seen she needed a home I filled out the application and after Amy said she was mine I then told my husband we are going to pick up our new baby. Aspen is a ball of energy so feisty. she is definitely my baby a mommas girl and she is the smallest of my 3 huskies. She is always by my side loves to cuddle, play ball, wrestle with her sister willow, dig holes she'll excape if you are not careful, she'll lick your food if you don't watch her close or eat it lol. She loves food. She cuddles or lays in my lap or feet if I'm sitting on the couch if I'm sleeping she's by my side sleeping or laying on top of me. She loves her belly rubs and likes attention if not or your paying attention to one of the others she'll paw you to pieces. She so loveable I could not imagine my life without her! And Willow: (Phoebe & Micah puppy) Willow is our wild child. She so crazy but we love her. she loves belly rubs she'll drop to the floor just for belly rubs paw you for belly rubs if you walk near her. She gives kisses all the time to everyone humans or pups. She loves her rope she'll walk around swinging it but won't play tug with any toys. She has a great personality, she's such a lover, she loves food would eat all the time if you let her. She is miss independent. Does not like to be brushed will only let you for a few minutes then run away and play keep away. She's so funny we love her to pieces life would be boring without her. She is good with kids.

(Nina and Micah puppy) There isn't just one picture we could choose for Laika. Laika's personality isn't like any other dogs we've seen. She is mellow and calm and loving. She doesn't go crazy often, but when she does, it's full speed and you better get out of her way! Putting into words what laika means to us is next to impossible. We are so blessed to have met Amy. I physically do not have the words to explain my bond with laika and who she is. There are no words that can truly describe her and how we feel about her. She's everything we had wanted for so long.

We had professional photos done every 2 months from 2 months to 12 months (well, just shy of!). It's hard to believe Yuri, Kieran, Nevie, and Fergie will be celebrating their 1 year birthday tomorrow! Yesterday was his last session, we will view & order the pics at the end of May. But in the meantime, here's an age progression of Yuri, at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 months, and him today sitting next to his life size 2 month photo. This has been an incredible year, and we've had an incredible experience with our first breeder puppy.
The summer 2018, after the loss of one of our rescue Huskies, I searched desperately for another rescue and couldn't find what I wanted. Well, the one I found was in another state and they weren't working hard at getting him into a home, or at least it seemed too much work to figure out an alternative to a home check although they said my application was perfect. I gave several suggestions (local sheriff, town hall, humane society, veterinary references (primary and several specialists), home video. I started looking up breeders with disappointment until I came across your website. I went into every menu tab and read your whole site beginning to end. Your history and philosophy, dog bios and their certificates, puppy questionnaire, contract, all of it. When Andy came home from work that night, I told him "I know we rescue, but I want one of her (that's you, Amy Junes!) puppies". It was a tough discussion in that all of our previous rescue adoptions did not add up to the expense of purchasing one of your puppies. We love, love, love our rescues, but after seeing your website and talking to you, I wanted a clean slate puppy, no prior health or behavioral issues to contend with. It felt so right. We attended your Husky Huddle that September (which was an amazing event, so impressive all the dogs for the most part got along. What we witnessed spoke volumes for the care the pups receive before and during their first 8 weeks) and I started saving up pet-sitting money. I saved enough for Yuri's purchase, his first year of vaccines and heartworm/flea/tick preventative, food, hip x-rays and spay surgery (at the time I didn't know if we'd get a boy or girl, so accounted for the expense of a spay since that costs more), and first year of training classes. I filled a huge box full of new toys (over 100!), so he could have a few new toys every week.
In the beginning, when asked I'd say it with shame that we bought a puppy from a breeder. Today, I am so proud of our decision, of Yuri, and of you and your family.
We were first on the list for picking a Kora/Naukee puppy from the litter. Nerve-racking since I had no idea how to pick! I did a little research, not much guidance available for picking out a newborn pup. Most resources I found were for 6-8 week old pups. After all the pups were born, I looked long and hard at their birth pictures. We knew we wanted a boy, but were open to a female if one "spoke to us". Andy and I made our picks, and Yuri (Serengeti) was our shared pick. For me, it was his picture- it looked like he put his little paw up and said "Hey there, here I am. Pick me... choose me... love me" (for those of you who watched Grey's Anatomy way back when...lol).
We get compliments everywhere we go with Yuri. We took/take Yuri everywhere- errands, food truck tours, festivals, downtown, any store/restaurant patio/business that allows dogs, everywhere. Trainers and others in the show world would say "Huskies aren't my breed (they have no idea what they are missing!) but that dog is gorgeous". People walking all breeds of dogs stop to comment on Yuri's looks. A little girl said "Your dog is amazing". I can't tell you how often we hear "That is the most beautiful dog I've ever seen". You know the comments because I am certain you get those too.
We talk about being a 2 dog family (we currently have 3, I'd love to have 5, but we like to travel with our dogs. It is hard finding accommodations for more than 2 dogs. Plus, with 3 dog crates and a cat stroller (Nooga travels everywhere with me) there's almost no room left in our sport van for us or any other gear!) but it is going to be so hard resisting another puppy from you! I have a feeling we will remain a 3 dog (if not more) family for quite some time!
Amy, Dennis, and family, with all my heart, I thank you so much for your commitment to Huskies, your dogs, your puppies, and all your puppies' families. I have friends owned by other breeds who have purchased from breeders, that follow your Facebook page because you are so amazing. Keep doing what you do!
Thank you for an incredible experience and an amazing first year with Yuri. We love him so much. He is definitely our Golden Puppy, high up on a pedestal. The others accept it, as they are all special in their own ways.

(Jovi and Micah puppy) Akeelah is a wild child. She's the one who wakes you up in the morning and keeps you awake at night. To incapacitate said husky, you rub her belly for approximately 2 hours and then she might be content. She is a kind soul and has a big heart (and a big stomach). Akeelah has 3 names: Akeelah, 'keelah, and who wants a snack?! She has been an animal we never knew we needed. She has made our family whole.

Kaya-a Jovi Micah puppy. Her mom said"Thank you for giving me a piece of my heart! Kaya is such a beautiful, loving, happy, sassy 9 month old. She is so intelligent and brings sunshine to even the rainiest of days. Her goofy smile and kind temperament make her a perfect fit for our family. People are drawn to her like a moth to a flame and she loves every minute of it. We couldn't be happier with our Jasper Blues baby!"